
Meet TSG Managing Director, Joe Addy

Meet TSG is proud to feature Managing Director, Joe Addy. Joe was born and raised in Long Beach California, he graduated from Cal State University of Long Beach in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science Degree and later became a Financial Advisor in 2003. In becoming a Financial Advisor Joe was looking for career that allowed him to be involved in people’s lives, but also allowed him to feel like and entrepreneur and take ownership over his business.

“I’m looking forward to continued growth with TSG,” said Joe. “The gratification of being involved in people’s lives on an intimate level keeps me motivated to help more people.”

At TSG he gets to be a part of the larger team that provides expanded resources and flexibility to grow and better help his clients. For Joe, just like at TSG, it’s important to put the client’s first and strive to provide solutions for their financial needs.

“I see this opportunity to take the complexity of financial strategies and make them familiar for clients,” says Joe. “It is my priority to make sure everyone has a clear understanding of what they own and why they own it.”

Joe joined his cousin, Freeman Welch, CFP®, at TSG and quickly saw that everyone at TSG truly lives the client’s first motto. The teamwork and dedication from everyone in the organization, mixed with his passion and desire to help others fuels a drive to help even more people achieve their dreams.

In Joe’s Meet TSG video showcase you meet the man behind the smile, you’ll learn how he got to where he is today and who in his life has left a significant impact. You’ll get a glimpse into his personal life, hobbies and professional acumen. You’ll learn how he landed at TSG Wealth Management and what his goals are for the future! Not only will you meet the accomplished financial advisor, but you’ll also meet the surfer, the artist and the family man..

Joe was always looking for a career to be involved in people’s lives and allowed him to help people. He genuinely likes and identifies with others and for over 19 years he’s been able to make a difference in so many lives. As Joe continues to grow and expand his wealth management career you’ll see his drive and compassion on full display. We value you Joe as a member of the TSG team and we know that as a team our clients will always receive top quality service. We can’t wait to see what his future holds. Now we invite you to sit back and meet TSG’s very own, Joe Addy!

Meet Joe Addy:

For more information on Joe please visit his biography page here.

The Meet TSG video series was created to celebrate the many wonderful people at TSG Wealth Management and the culture that our TSG team has created.  We want you to get to know everyone at TSG Wealth Management because it is our people that make all the difference. We hope that with each installment you will get a better understanding and appreciation for the people behind what makes TSG unique and special.