

Used to measure a business’s condition and performance, financial ratios can help you quantify your organization’s financial health and level of success. They are also used by those evaluating your business for potential investment or lending opportunities. Your balance sheet and income statement will help you...

Maintaining an appropriate balance of stocks and bonds is one of the most fundamental concepts in constructing an investment portfolio. Stocks provide greater growth potential with higher risk and relatively low income; bonds tend to be more stable, with modest potential for growth and income....

Some business owners don’t think about succession possibilities or when they might retire, because they love running their companies and don’t want to stop any time soon. But unfortunately, about half of retirees must stop working earlier than expected, often due to health problems or...

The yield curve is a graph with the rates of U.S. Treasury bonds plotted by maturity. The slope of the curve is the difference between short-dated bonds and long-dated bonds. Normally, it curves upward as investors demand higher yields to compensate for the risk of...

Roth IRAs were primarily intended as a tax-advantaged way to save for retirement, but for some parents (and students with earned income), a Roth IRA can double as a college savings tool. On the other hand, state-based 529 savings plans were designed specifically to help...